The Art of Scripture
The Bible is a work of sacred Art. Art conveys truth in a highly distinctive way, yet modern American culture does little to equip people with the skills required for art literacy. For this formation event, we looked at a range of artworks which help us understand the ways the Bible conveys truth and the ways art has continued to expand the scope of biblical truth in an ever-changing world.
The Art of Scripture: The Gospel of Luke
At this formation event, we explored Luke’s gospel—the primary gospel text. What makes Luke’s gospel distinctive, what do we know about the author, and what are the major aesthetic themes in this evangelist’s work? We also looked at a range of paintings based on Luke’s gospel and asked how images such as these might guide us into deeper engagement with our sacred text.
Revelation Lamb: A Re-introduction to the ‘Revelation’ of the Book of Revelation
The Book of Revelation, the Bible’s final book, can be a bizarre and unsettling text. It is the Bible’s most dangerous book, having been used to instill apocalyptic anxiety and despair in billions of human lives over the last 2,000 years. Yet while this ancient text was intended to be dramatic (and on some level even shocking) it was actually written to fill readers with hope and courage—not crippling fear.
Written as one of the Bible’s most astounding works of the imagination, filled with monsters, mysticism, and the ultimate victory of light over darkness, it continues to hold the power to transform readers with eyes to see its message.
A Luminous Darkness: Apophatic Theology in Theory & Practice
This fascinating tradition seeks to move us beyond images, words, and concepts into the presence of a fathomless God who is met finally in a speechless silence beyond anything we can think or say.
At this event, we explored an ancient stream of Christian wisdom: apophatic theology and spirituality. This fascinating and important tradition seeks to move us beyond (“apo-”) images (“phasis”), words, and concepts into the presence of a fathomless God who is met finally in a speechless silence beyond the shape of anything we can think or say. We looked at the big ideas and the history of the apophatic tradition and explored a few contemplative practices that help us understand its invitation for our lives and faith practice.