At Church of the Advent, our Sunday worship is guided by the ancient liturgical rhythm of the Book of Common Prayer. The BCP is the central liturgical guide to our tradition, yet one of its great gifts is the broad flexibility it offers in how the liturgy can be engaged by a community.

On most Sundays, we offer two worship services (at 10am and noon) which model different approaches to the liturgy. Both of our services are Eucharistic, meaning that we share the sacred meal of the church in bread and wine each and every week.

Ministry for children is offered at both services. Depending on the week, activities and teaching will be provided in either our children’s classrooms, in the children’s project corner of our sanctuary, or outside in our gardens. An usher will be happy to point the way to where our children gather each week.

Many in our community attend both services from time to time, and on major feast days we gather as a single community for worship at 10.

Worship at 10 am

Our 10am worship service is the more ‘traditional’ expression of Anglican liturgy as it’s been known for centuries. Liturgical ministers are vested in robes; the liturgy includes more of the ancient texts which connect our worship to the early centuries of Christian practice, there are more musicians and more music (a blend of traditional, folk, and gospel influences), and scripture is explored each week through a sermon.

10 am Bulletin and Streaming

Worship at Noon

Our noon worship service is a bit less formal in tone. Although it uses much of the same liturgy, things are slightly shortened to make room for a time of community conversation during the service about the day’s scripture readings (this time replaces a traditional sermon). There is a bit less music, which tends to be acoustic or acapella. There are fewer liturgical ministers and nobody wears robes.